Lieber for Congress, P.O. Box 410064, Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Question on Hobby Lobby

Question from Sherrie:  What are your thoughts on the Hobby Lobby ruling?   Response from Arthur  


Post-Dispatch report on campaign finances

Chuck Raasch of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported July 17 on the 2nd Quarter financial reports to the FEC of local candidates for House seats. In the article, he mentions the large amounts of cash hauled in by incumbents during the quarter, and then references the Lieber campaign: “Wagner’s opponent,…


Newtown, Gun Control, & Mental Health

Question from Dan: Rep. Tim Murphy, R., PA, introduced the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013, last December after a year of investigating the Newtown Massacre.  Conservative Republicans claimed the problem of Newtown and other school shootings was mental health rather than availability of guns, but they…


Relax and be a virtual doorknocker

How—and why—to be a Virtual Doorknocker for Arthur Lieber’s campaign for Congress in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District Why I need your help: When you’re running for Congress, physically knocking on all the doors in your district is not practical. With 750,000 citizens in the Missouri 2nd Congressional District, candidates generally…


Hobby Lobby Decision

Question from Sherrie Please discuss your take on the Hobby Lobby case. Response from Arthur


Money in Politics

Question from Molly Like many citizens, I am concerned about the role of money in politics.  I am growing disillusioned in our political process since it appears to me that nearly everyone in public office is bought and paid for by any number of special interests.  It has reached a…


Number one legislative priority

Question from Andy What is for you the single most important legislative question that you’d like to work on and get passed? Response from Arthur  


Monsanto and GMOs

Question from Bixby What is your stance on Monsanto’s GMO’s? There seems to be a shortage objective information. Response from Arthur Monsanto and GMOs is one of those issues where some liberals demonize “the enemy” the way that conservatives do on most issues. I am not a scientist; I have…

Suing over executive orders: Politics as usual

*This is a cross-post from another blog, the Occasional Planet. There’s an adage that all politics is local. It makes a lot of sense; most issues are bread and butter ones that occur in the neighborhoods and the households where we live. But like all aphorisms, it’s not always true….


Revolving door in Washington

Question from Donna I’m concerned about the “revolving door” between government and private industry. For example, elected officials often leave office and take lucrative jobs in industries for which they crafted favorable legislation while in office, or Obama administration staffers leave their appointments to take well paying jobs on Wall…


How can Congress be more effective?

Question by Bob: Arthur, how can Congress again become an effective advocate for the American people? Will this require a significant change in our current representatives? Response by Arthur Reduce the influence of money in politics. Since both legislation and court rulings on controlling the amount of money in politics…


Basic Income Guarantee

Question by Kevin Werner of Washington, DC and St. Louis, MO I sincerely appreciate the causes you are fighting for and wish you the best of luck in November. My question is this: what is your opinion on a Basic Income Guarantee or some similar program, where every adult citizen…


Citizen Q&A

In an effort to be responsive to citizens, I am seeking good questions and trying my best to answer them. We also welcome your comments on any of the questions and answers. Question on two hot international issues from Hafsa ….. I think that the issues in and around Gaza…


Dialogue with “right to work (for less)-ers”

I recently received a number of these postcards: I do not agree with their sentiments on this complex issue, but I felt that since the letter writers had exercised their rights as active citizens in a democracy, I owed them a response. Here is what I wrote: I  appreciate the…


Medicare-for-All prevents Hobby Lobby fiascoes

So we hear that workers are beholden to employers. After all, in the private sector it is the  “employers” who hire workers.  But if the relationship is only between employer and employee and the employers are the bosses, then what protection do workers have against unreasonable, unfair, and just plain…


Confronted with big money from outside interests

Earlier this week I received a contribution of $50.50 from a family in Florida. I’m most appreciative of the generosity. Thanks so much to Tom Knight and family in Miami Shores, FL for the great donation.  I will do my best to not be overly influenced by it.