Lieber for Congress, P.O. Box 410064, Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Question on Hobby Lobby

Question from Sherrie:  What are your thoughts on the Hobby Lobby ruling?   Response from Arthur  


Medicare-for-All prevents Hobby Lobby fiascoes

So we hear that workers are beholden to employers. After all, in the private sector it is the  “employers” who hire workers.  But if the relationship is only between employer and employee and the employers are the bosses, then what protection do workers have against unreasonable, unfair, and just plain…


Dialogue with Missouri pro-lifers

I recently received over forty of the following postcards: I do not agree with their sentiments on this complex issue, but I felt that since the letter writers had exercised their rights as active citizens in a democracy, I owed them a response. Here is what I wrote: I am…


Affordable Care Act

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments this week on Hobby Lobby’s lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate, requiring employers’ healthcare policies to cover the cost of contraceptive care. My hope is that the Supreme Court will turn down Hobby Lobby’s request. In my view, corporations are not people,…